Praise for Let's Make Things Better
"A book by Gidon Lev and Julie Gray is cause for celebration. Few contemporary writers offer us a vision of hope more compelling than this extraordinary duo."
―Yossi Klein Halevi, senior fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute, author of the New York Times bestseller, “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor.”
More than a book about hope, Let's Make Things Better is a testament to my unwavering passion for meaningful storytelling.
Let's make things better for your manuscript!
As a writer, I understand the transformative power of another perspective on your manuscript. Writing is indeed rewriting, and having another set of eyes can make all the difference. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping writers craft compelling narratives, I specialize in narrative nonfiction, memoirs, and fiction editing.
With extensive experience as an editor, essayist, ghostwriter, and author, I'm here to bring out the best in your work. Like you, I'm an avid bookworm who loves nothing better than the magic of a good story, well told. For me, it's not just about the editing process; it's about fostering a genuine connection with fellow writers. Let's embark on a collaborative journey to make your work shine brighter than ever before!

Manuscript Evaluations

Is your manuscript ready to meet the world?
“Writing is hard” is the understatement of the century. Just getting the words down at all can be daunting. But now that you are done, is your manuscript good? Or – put another way, is it good enough? Will your manuscript be competitive in the indie or traditional marketplace? Do you have a shot at attracting an agent? Or winning an award? What about getting great reviews? I can help you find out what can be better.
Whether your write fiction or nonfiction, I will provide you with a comprehensive review of your manuscript to make sure you have written a compelling narrative that resonates with readers.
Manuscript Consultations

For Works in Progress
Are you feeling lost and confused about the premise, structure, pacing, dramatic beats, character work or thematic development of your manuscript? When you work with me, you’ll send me some sample pages and describe what you are struggling with. Then we’ll get on Zoom and talk it through. I can help you gain the clarity you need to get you unstuck and back on track!
For Completed Manuscripts
Are you wondering whether traditional or indie publishing is the right way to go for you? What is involved with each path? I am familiar with indie and traditional publishing, having moved from one to the other myself. I can help you make the right decision for you, with realistic expectations, a timeline, and budget.